Sunday, February 7, 2010

An Odd Request

So as some might have guessed I work for a movie company that either shall not be named, or I named before and I just feel like being covert about now. ( :P ) Anyways, back on topic, one day the gates of hell broke loose and unleashed a horror of an idea from the deepest bowels of one of my customers. He suggested I make a review blog about various movies because, as he put it, "I always give such great info about them, and call it exactly like it is." Translation: when something is crap, I call it crap.

Selfish me, though, I don't want to give up this little blog I have going. I guess I am finding it a little therapeutic. If only I could write every little thing I think. Unfortunately, I still can't release all my hatches into the anonymity of the internet.

So, I've decided that if I am going to pursue this little side-venture, that I will start a new blog just for the purpose. (Ugh, look at me. Here I am, the girl who said she would never blog, working on making two blogs.) I'm going to link the two together so people can get to know the private me and the public me. I doubt anyone is going to read the reviews one, but what the heck. Why not make it. I like rambling.. and what is more reactive than a response to visual stimuli.

Meh... could be fun.




You can find my new blog posted here. Hope you enjoy it.


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Friday, February 5, 2010

You can't fight them! You have to run, Daddy..

Silent Hill has been the name of my latest trend. I played the second game along time ago, and by played I mean embarrassingly clung to a friend of mine as he played and I squealed and squirmed at every noise in a dark room. For an unknown reason (perhaps a flaw in my design), even though I can watch any horror movie and be unphased, read almost any scary novel and emerge unshaken, even traverse the most horrific of haunted houses and be stoic and steady, I can't play a spooky game without turning into a frightened five year old. I still haven't beaten half-life (the first one) because I was too chicken-shit. Instead I bravely hid under my blanket on my bed as I watched my boyfriend work his way through my copy of the game. Silent Hill 2 was the very first horror game I ever saw; I somehow missed Alone in the Dark when I was growing up (or at least don't recall it), and it scarred me forever. Since seeing it, I have been unable to face others, even the most gentle ones, like Dead Rising.

I suppose I decided to conquer my fear, so my roommate and I have been acquiring as many of the different Silent Hill titles as possible, so far accumulating 5. The Xbox 360 one (Homecoming), the P.S.P. one (Origins), Silent Hill 3 (fortuitously discovered at Gamestop), Silent Hill 2 (kindly donated by one of my coworkers who no longer has a PS2), and our latest addition, the new Silent Hill: Shattered Memories.

I tried, oh how I tried, to play Origins (one of the 3 in the aforementioned list that are mine), and barely made any progress in the game, instead opting to hyperventilate and almost cry trying to get over a fear of nonexistent boogie-men in a virtual world as I sat there, headphones piping in the entire atmosphere of the game (which is very convincing in my 300 buck Sony headphones... ear orgasms I tell you. ear. orgasms.) in the dark of my room, cowering once more under my blankie. So, I decided to try again with Shattered Memories, and have made considerably more progress with this game. Something about the intuitive controls of the Wii makes me feel like I might have more control over the situation, but it also makes me more trepidatious. I've only encountered ghoulies once, and if the reviews online are to be taken as truth, then I am only in danger when the world "changes", unlike in most Silent Hill games. This gives me a bit more confidence in my exploring.

An interesting little tidbit about this game: It seems it builds a psychological profile about you as you play, by using "therapy sessions" to twist the game into a more tailored experience for you. I don't want to ruin anything if anyone reads this and hasn't played it yet, but the little things they do really mess with your head... in a good way. Silent Hill has always been more the psychological terror, and I think that is what makes it really effective. I played Resident Evil 5 (after much convincing), and seemed to conquer that one quite easily. It took more of a "House of the Dead" approach to the game style than, I have been told, the others in the series attempted. Maybe that is why I was able to actually beat it without going into hysterics.

I guess I'll just have to see what SH:SM has in store for me.

Meh.. maybe I'll update this blog about it in the future.. or maybe not.



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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

@--__----__-- (That's a Tumbleweed)

So my life is uninteresting. This is the flat-out truthful reason why I have not written crap in this blog over the last 2-ish weeks. Every time I faced this thing I stared at a blank page with a blank mind. I had nothing to input into the vast depths of cyber space. SO, I'm going to give a 2 week recap instead :D (Please hold your applause until the very end.)

First off, I read/finished Moby Dick. This is my mothers favorite book and at the tender age of 7, I crushed all her dreams by repeatedly falling asleep while attempting to navigate through this behemoth of a novel. Forever branded by the memory of this tedious tome, I avoided it for the next 17 years of my life until now. I also watched the movie (at her request), which was, in my humble opinion, 2000000000000 times better than the book. Wait, no. Add a zero onto that. No, wait, two. I never was very good at math.

To give you a rough idea of why the movie was so exponentially better than the book, let me say this. In the first 3 minutes of the movie, they cover roughly 350 pages. I'm not even exaggerating. This book became my white whale. I was determined to conquer this beast of dull discursive verbosity no matter the cost to my sanity. Just call me Ahab.

Watching someone read Hermann Melville's "classic literature piece" is like watching a Frenchman. You've never seen someone surrender so fast.

Beyond felling my bitter rival, I also joined a website called I'm sure tons of people have heard of it, but seeing that I still don't own a shiny Facebook page, I think you'll forgive my ignorance when it comes to this corner of the Interwebz. I spent a good chunk of last week earning free amazon monies, which I have now spent faster than the  French can throw their hands up. (Man, I am just hating on the French today, lol.) With that money and the earned ones from various survey websites (all of which have cost nothing but time), I have earned roughly 60 dollars in e-gift cards, 100 bucks in Gamestop giftcards, and 15
clams in Borders e-currency. Not a bad little profit.

In a small side note, check out this dude's blog if you like horror stuff, and manga:

He has been posting up brand-spanking new Junji Ito stuff, which is my favorite Manga-ka. (A Manga Author/Artist) Oh, so much I want and yet can't have because I don't live in Japan. Maybe I should ask my cousins overseas to send me some stuff.. But I can't read enough Japanese to understand it T_T. Woe is me. Meh... I'll live I guess.



Honorary Mention goes to Fuan no Tane, a horror manga I recently stumbled apon by being nosy and clicking on people's links in the comments on Daniel-Lau's blog. Subscribed to my first blog, also. (No, it wasn't Daniel's... I couldn't find the button v_v;.. shut-up. I think I fucked up subscribing also, I had to redo it like 4 times, or something, in order to just get it to work under the right name, lol. Dude's gonna think I'm some creepy obsessive stalker like chick XD. Lawlz-u-scared.) 

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